Wednesday, May 14, 2014


You know, abortion isn’t a topic that is just nonchalantly mentioned at the dinner table but when the topic is brought up, there are some pretty strong opinions.  Harsh words can shut people down in a heartbeat and for those who do have this issue in their past, it  will  cause them to retreat into a world of silence.  They feel that their voice will not be heard over the passionate, strong voices of others on the topic.

I think many people have a preconceived idea of the type of person who would go through with an abortion.   They don’t seem to take into account the circumstances surrounding the choice. I would like to introduce to you in this article the emotional consequences of this decision.

The abortion procedure itself can be a very traumatic experience to the woman’s body. This can cause her to experience Post Abortion Syndrome which is much like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Many women can dilute the symptoms of this for years with the use of drugs and alcohol. However, when they stop the use of such substances, the guilt-ridden secret that lingers in the attached shadow of that person still remains  for the body and mind to deal with. One moment in time, one decision, one act that they felt was right for them at the time can end up causing them a life of torment that now affects every person with whom they come in contact.

The physical consequences of abortion can be helped or dealt with using the assistance of the medical field, although some of those issues may never receive complete healing.  Emotional healing, on the other hand, will depend more on the woman herself.   This is something that can take years to accomplish, but ultimately she has to be the one to make the decision to claim that healing.

One thing that needs to be understood is that statistics say that 98% of the women who make this choice end up regretting it.  One might have a hard time understanding the mental torment that the women AND men go through when they come to terms with what they have done.  I include the men in this because many times we only hear about the women, but what about the men who were involved? The truth of the matter is that many of these men did not even get to have a voice about what happened to their child. Other men who did persuade the woman to go through with it are now plagued with guilt over their decision.  These moms and dads are tormented with flashbacks and a grief that seems will never go away. They battle thoughts of suicide. They are locked in a mental dungeon, bound by chains. Because of their fear of judgment and rejection, close relationships are hard to develop.  They feel the fewer people who are involved in their lives, the safer their secret is.

Although eating disorders could fall under physical consequences, it is also related to the emotions.   So often the women will feel the need to punish themselves.  They feel that dealing with the pain and issues that are brought on by eating disorders, or even the drug and alcohol abuse for that matter,  will be much easier to handle than the pain of the memories of their abortion.

Many memories may be repressed for these women which may be a natural defense mechanism of the body. However, over the years, certain facts may be brought back to them or addressed through new information given to them through media, classes and such. Then they are then forced to have to deal with one more thing regarding their past. Many will relive their past on the anniversary date or month, resulting in severe depression and outbursts of anger and remorse.

Women can also suffer insomnia, sleep walking episodes and recurrent nightmares which destroy their chance for rest of any kind during the night. Sleep aids may be needed to assist them with this. Others may use background noise to try to block out the noise in their minds or to distract the nightmares that fight to enter into their rest.

Panic attacks can occur at very random times. If the subject of abortion is brought up on radio or TV shows, it can cause anxiety. These times are easy to escape because the channel can just be changed. However, when the subject is brought up in a discussion or a Sunday school class or sermon, escape is not so easy. The panic comes when they realize that there is no way to get away from hearing truth and coming face to face with facts. A feeling of thinking that everybody knows “the secret” can be overwhelming.  Once a post-abortive woman comes to the point that she is willing to be healed emotionally, a whole new set of anxieties may present themselves.

Loss of self confidence is a problem that plagues these women as well. In light of their history of making poor choices, they will question themselves on decisions brought before them on many levels. Both men and women can doubt their parenting skills with future children they may have as they feel inadequate as a protector.

If you are someone who has suffered from these symptoms regarding the chains of your past, I want to encourage you that freedom is available. Leviticus 26:13 states that “I  broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with your heads held high.”  You can follow the links below to order a copy of The Secrets Behind the Eyes or visit my facebook page and message me. I would be happy to help you walk through that healing process. If you are someone who has not experienced this pain, I hope that you can look at these men and women in a new light.  As a nation, we need to mourn the children that are no more due to this decision. However, the mothers and fathers of these children are still here and they need healing. Have compassion on them and help them get to the foot of the cross where true healing can be found.  

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Taboo I am Willing to Talk About - Physical Consequences

My last article introduced the topic for my next few writing sessions, namely abortion. People tend to have very judgmental responses when this issue is brought up. What I want to do is educate others on the consequences of this decision.   Today we will look at the physical complications  that can result from the abortion procedure.

 Some complications are immediate and can  be short-term or long-term. Shock is one thing that can happen due to significant blood loss, causing the blood pressure as the heart rate increased. Perforation of the uterus can cause pelvic abscess that can result in death. Hemorrhaging can be a sign of infection involving many areas invaded by the procedure. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and fever can be signs of infection. Either of these issues needs to be treated immediately.

Other complications can happen years down the road. A post-abortive woman has a 50% higher chance of getting breast cancer and increased risk of cancer of the ovaries, liver and cervix, especially if performed on a woman’s first pregnancy. The reasoning behind this is that the  interruption in the hormones causes millions of cells to be at a high risk.

The uterus has the possibility of being punctured due to the instruments used during the procedure. Cervical lacerations or tears can occur. Abortions can result in placenta previa causing the placenta to be too close to the cervix . This can result in pre-term labor in subsequent pregnancies, many times requiring a cesarean section delivery of the baby. This condition can carry a higher risk of death and handicaps in newborns.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (inflammation of the reproductive organs) is yet another physical risk. This has many complications in itself, causing severe pelvic pain and scarring in the fallopian tubes.  It is a major cause of ectopic pregnancies in which the fertilized egg remains in the fallopian tube rather than making its way to the uterus.   This can be life threatening and can also be a factor in infertility.

Another heartbreaking circumstance that can occur is miscarriage, which is the natural termination of a pregnancy. Chances of miscarrying in a future pregnancy are increased by 45% for these women. That brings on a whole new list of issues. Not only can this cause more physical complications with the risk of scar tissue building up, but there are many emotional scars caused by this event also. The woman or couple has to work through the trauma of losing a child, telling others what happened and gain courage to try again. In general, post-abortive women are in poorer health overall.

As you can see, the risk that a woman takes is very great regarding the physical consequences. Women need to be more informed and truly understand what their future may hold in terms of illnesses and subsequent difficulties. It also needs to register within the minds of these women what they possibly may not hold in their future….a child.

The next article will reveal the emotional consequences of abortion. My hope as you continue to follow this  series is that you will start understanding the lives of the men and women involved in this decision. Although the choice may have been made out of  a dire situation with the hopes of things being “better” because of it, the life they have had to live every day since that choice was anything but better.   I want you, the reader, to understand that there is more behind the person than the choice they made.  Until next time, slow down and take a look into people’s eyes and try to see their story. Be an encouragement to them!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Taboo I am Willing to Talk About

There is a topic that is constantly discussed on radio and TV talk shows. The topic has strong supporters and opposers. I will drop a few hints for you:  it is a topic that affects 1 in 4 women IN  THE  CHURCH.  In the United States alone it has involved 1.37 million in a year. Hitler’s horrific impact actually pales in comparison to the results of this topic.

I am sure you have guessed the subject by now.   Abortion.

Here is the thought I have been pondering. As wide spread and as loud as people seem to get about this issue, why is it not talked about.   Did that just sound like a complete contradiction? Let me explain. Politically, people will take a stand. Groups of people have no problem getting together with their signs to protest one way or the other. Churches will preach their belief  on the topic. But when it comes to one on one interaction with these groups, people all of a sudden have something else to do. Why is that?

We live in a time that people seem to be in such a hurry. Maybe it has always been that way, I don’t know. What I do know is that people seem to be afraid to look each other in the eye. What do you think the basis of that fear is? Are we afraid people will tell us the truth if we provide a safe place for them to open up? Are we concerned that we won’t be equipped to handle the things they tell us? Are we afraid that person will have to be another one we cross off our friend’s list because they don’t quite measure up to those with whom we choose to associate? On the other hand, why don’t we volunteer information and let people really get to know us? Why don’t we look people in the eye? Are we worried about judgment and rejection?  Are we naïve to think we are the only ones to experience certain things? Are we afraid we might have something to offer and it will take us too far out of our comfort zone?

Abortion is a touchy subject, no doubt. However, it is one that needs to be discussed. We have young women in our schools and our churches that are finding themselves in difficult circumstances and don’t have anywhere to turn. Statistics show that 74% of women who choose abortion state that it is for social reasons, namely they feel it will interfere with school or work.  These women/girls do not have a support system willing to come alongside them.  We have women in our churches that are hiding their secret, afraid of being judged. They may go for years, living in torment because they feel there is nowhere safe to turn.

We have to start truly ‘seeing’ people. If we could find the combination to the safe behind the eyes of people, we could enter a dimension that nobody has ever visited. Countless people (men and women) are hurting, entangled in the chains of their past and are aching to be set free. You could be the one to help them!  Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and open up about this topic? If you know somebody who has been involved in this decision, are you willing to extend love to them and help them heal? If you are one who has made this decision, are you willing to break your silence and save lives?!

I am going to be doing a series of blogs discussing the physical, emotional and spiritual consequences of abortion. Many lives are lost due to this act, but many minds are forever tormented following this decision. Please invite people to this site or send them to the following links. Thank you for wanting to make an impact!