Saturday, November 2, 2013


Why are we always in such a hurry?  What does it really benefit us?  We need to learn to slooooowwww down and chillax a bit. I personally learned that there are a whole lot more benefits to that.  

I am married to my complete opposite. My husband goes by the philosophy that if you are not early, you're late.  I tend to wait til the last minute for anything, thinking I am utilizing every minute up until the time to leave but always seem to run behind and have to play catch up.   I have always felt bad because it seems that I am constantly telling my kids, "Hurry up we're late."   I try to catch myself but am not always successful.

One day I was near tears because I had waited too long before taking the kids to their sports practice. On the way out the door I remembered I had forgotten to make our lunches so ran back in and was frantically doing that. My youngest son calmly came up to me and said, "You're a good mom."  That was all I needed to help me breathe that day.  I realized that I wasn't invisible and he acknowledged the things I was doing. We were late but we got there safely. My boys are usually who have to pay for my lateness. They would have to pay for my lateness with pushups at their karate class. I felt terrible.  

I then went to a women's retreat and the speaker said we can be addicted to many things.  We can even be addicted to hurriedness. That's where I was at!  I decided to begin a self implemented hurriedness recovery program. 

It worked!!  I started making sure that first thing in the morning all of my stuff was prepared and ready for me to walk out the door when the time came. This meant that I was able to leave even on schedule and not have to run back for ten forgotten items.   I have always had to make lists or nothing would get done.   All of a sudden I realized I was not having to depend on my list.   I was able to think clearer.  It was amazing! I was calmer inside. In fact I calmly got inside my car one day and easily organized my things. My youngest asked me, "How ya feelin' Mama?"

"I am mellow like jallelo," I said softly. "I am really loving this new thing I'm doing. I think I'm cured." 

So there really are benefits to slowing down. It will help your relationships, your schedule and your sanity. Enjoy your life , don't hurry through it!

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