Friday, January 22, 2016


The animal within can relay a lot about you.
Which one is the animal most closely related to you?
Are you prideful like a lion, looking down on all he sees?
Are you joyful like a monkey, swinging carefree through the trees?
Are you loyal like a dog that doesn’t leave its master’s side,
Or are you timid like a mouse that will run away and hide?
Do you stretch like the giraffe that reaches high for hopes and dreams,
Or are you like the schools of fish working well within their teams?
Are you curious like a kitten, always mischief to be found,
Or observant like a panther, watching without a sound?
Do you laugh like the hyena, bringing smiles to all faces,
Or are you growly like a bear as he grumbles and he paces?
Are you generous like the meerkat, always helping neighbors out,
Or are you like the hoarding squirrel, for his own needs he has doubt?
Are you slow like the elephant, deliberate in each move,
Or are you fast like the cheetah, his quick thinking he must prove?
Are you busy like a honey bee and never settling down,
Or are you like the sloth, to an easier life you are bound?
Are you zealous like the dolphin, chattering all the way,
Or are you like a rabbit, reserved  and quiet all the day?
Are you aggressive like the wolf, never having any fear,
Or  are you gentle like the lamb, to safety you’ll stay near?
Are you anxious like the busy ant, bustling here and there?
Do you exhibit the eagle’s strength,  flying high up in the air?
Some are noble, some are pure, admirable, right and lovin’.
From time to time  evaluate  the animal within.

By JoEllen Claypool

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