Thursday, February 11, 2016

Paper Listens Well

I woke one morning, digging through the covers of my bed. My husband asked me what I was looking for and I replied, "I think I wrote a poem in the middle of the night. Oh, yep! Here it is!" I exclaimed as I found the crumpled piece of notebook paper.  I took a minute to read it, surprised that I could decipher my handwriting as I knew I had not turned on the lights.   I have talked in my sleep and I have walked in my sleep, but never (until now) have I written poetry in my sleep!

Paper listens well.
Within it I can hide;
Confide in it my deepest thoughts 
And know it's on my side

I know it will not judge me
As I relay my hopes and dreams. 
It cries with me, hopes with me 
And rejoices...or so it seems

Paper listens well 
So silent and so bold.
It waits intently as I speak.
My secrets it does hold

A loyal friend it has been 
Encouraging me to be true
Trusting and supporting friend
Offering a new point of view

Paper listens well
I think I'll keep it near
No other can take on the role 
Our friendship is so dear

And when it sits there empty
Just waiting for me to talk,
I will answer its beckoning
It will no longer have to knock.

Paper listens well
I enjoy its company
And then it takes its own turn
And shares its heart with me.

It sorts out all of my thoughts
Listening to what I did tell
Its advice to me is priceless.
My paper listens well. 

By JoEllen Claypool

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